I've been thinking about doing something like this for a few months now. I started a blog, Reinventing Class, over three years ago with the goal to publish a post every month. I've only been averaging a handful of posts every year - 3 to 4 if I'm lucky. Recently, I read a blog post by AJ Juliano, "How to Make Writing a Habit" which got me thinking about why I haven't met my blog goal. Habits can be hard to come by. I'm busy right? I am; I have two kids involved in sports, one of whom practices every day. I live in the mountains so I commute 30+ minutes to the school where I teach science, my son swims in a town 30 minutes away from home and from where I teach, my daughter plays soccer and is a referee, I like to run most days, I have 2 dogs to take care of, I have a husband that deserves my attention as well, I’m a dedicated teacher who likes to be innovative and creative and likes to give timely, honest, helpful feedback. I can make the list go on and on and the list is accurate. But, at the end of the day, my list is just another set of excuses.
If I want to write, if I think that it is important enough, then I just need to do it. A few days ago,six to be exact, I read Will Richardson's post about the 750Words.com site, "Writing Every Day". I found the purpose of this site really intriguing. Basically, the underlying idea is to log-on and write at least 750 days everyday.
Based on my blogging history, or lack of, over the last 3 years, I need to conscientiously develop a writing habit. This might be a great tool to encourage me as I try to develop and refine this new habit. I started last Friday, the first day of summer vacation. I just finished my fifth round of daily pages. This is my first blog post to come out of my daily pages but I have about 3 more posts in the works. It’s fun, it’s encouraging me to consistently capture my ideas and my reflections and it’s helping me begin my journey as a writer.
Photo Credits: Facts Evasion via Flickr, Writer Friend via Flickr